Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Ya... I'm kinda a slacker... ha ha Ive been so lazy that i haven't wrote anything for awhile... I'm so excited for girls camp and the fourth of July... get to see my family (WhAt FuN! nOt!!) I cant believe June is already almost over it seems like yesterday that school just got out!! Wow does time fly by!!! I think i spent so many days in Logan that i kinda lost track of time but i love Logan i love spending time with me older sister!!! She is amazing i really love her!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Don't you hate those songs that you can only listen to once without it making you cry! I seriously hate those kinds of songs cause seriously who the heck wants to listen to things that are going to make them cry? maybe its just me but i hate things that make me cry i rather be happy and smile and be uplifted instead of dragged into the dumps !!! I also hate songs that bring back memories! Like the chicken dance song ha ha or Hey there Delilah or I believe i can fly or moment of truth..... Those songs bring back so many memories some better then others. They come from so many different experiences Ive had in my life and even though i may not like them I've learned from all those experiences. I so think its weird that music can have so many different effects on you.. for me so music makes me want to sing and dance and go crazy! and other songs... yeah they make me wanna crawl in a whole and cry! and also there that music that makes you wanna scream along with it because its hurting your ears so bad or fall asleep because its so boring!! See what i mean about music having different effects!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


So I'm not going to lie... Every ones complain about summer makes me laugh.. come on seriously summer has so much to look forward to why people have to start complaining one week into it is kind sad!! I know that rain gets people down but come on there is so many fun things to do in the rain.. go dance!! Dancing in the rain is awesome and so is puddle jumping!....(just don't get sick because that would just make yourself even more down!) Also if your friends are out of town find something to do with your siblings you know your siblings can be some of your best friends yes i know... they can be the most frustrating annoying things on planet earth but they can also be really fun to hang out with!!! But come on people... make this summer the most amazing summer you have ever had put a smile on your faces and find something to do! Trust me there will be plenty of time to mope around the house when your sick or have a sun burn that hurts to bad to do anything but lay there and cry cause you feel like your skin is going to melt off !!! ( yes I've had plenty of those!=]) or when your parents get mad at you and tell you that you have to hang out with your younger siblings! ...... There will also be plenty of time to make memories and have tons of fun like going boating or camping or hanging out with your friends so come on people look on the bright side and just start this summer out amazing!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Gets ya thinking

How come people change your life without you even realizing they have made that change in your life tell there gone or... people tell you that you have changed. Why does the world change so fast and leave your mind spinning with it! I think that as I'm going on in my life I'm realizing more and more mistakes Ive made in my life and I'm thankful that I've learned and grown from all of them but.. some of the things Ive gone threw i wish i wouldn't have. This summer I've made goals for myself so that i can keep growing into someone that builds people up and helps people instead of the opposite. This list includes:

  • Making someone smile every day
  • Keeping positive attuide in negative situations
  • Making new friends
  • Build people up not bring them down

and more... ive made theses goals because i know how hard it is to go threw things with people always bringing you down and making you feel worse then you already do. I also know how much better it is to smile and laughing then to be down in the dumps!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


So...I know its only like the 4Th day of summer but its been a crazy summer already! Wednesday the last day of school well for me was amazing but really long!!! We had an Assembly that last what felt like forever! Then at lunch... i got ice down my shirt and water in my ears and all over my face ya it was great!!! Then later that day we got our year books and standing in our gym was boring and hot!!!!!! Then the next day Thursday was lagoon day so i went to lagoon got back and had to go to my sisters graduation which was long and boring which was only because i was sun burnt, hungry and tired but I'm very proud of her I'm really glad that she actually graduated!! and Friday.. well... that day started very long and boring like and then everyone keep asking me to hang out and do things but i just ended up having a sleep over with Brianne... Saturday i wake up and get this call from my brother that i was going to the zoo with him and so i went to the zoo got home and went mini golfing with Briana and then got back and went to a movie with Bree...SEE I TOLD YOU CRAZYNESS

first blog

Wow first blog of many to come so my friends and I decided that blogging would be a good way to keep on each others life since we wont be seeing much of each other since its summer and we all have exciting plans for the summer